Thursday, August 15, 2013

Raya 2013 Day 1: Rainbow Telekungs

As usual I'll be reporting my raya for this year..aiceh macam reporter sensasi habaq ang..there's no specific theme for any of our raya days this I just made up those themes..

For the first day of syawal, we head to our nearest mosque in Rembau to perform our eid prayers..rasanya dah bertahun dah kitorang solat kat khemah luar..lambat punya hal..tapi best gak sebab satu row tu kami conquer hihihi..this year we came in beautiful colors of telekungs..most of the materials are made from lycra that is quite stretchable and melekap sikit..but I bought one from a very2 generous sister..she bought it online for Rm150 and planned to give it to her mother but her mother prefers another color that was more to pearl like ones so she decided to sell it online for Rm126 at first..I was kinda interested at first because I was searching for non sheer telekungs tak kisah warna apa pon so I told kakak ni that  I was interested but can't afford it because it was too pricey for me..then she 'PM' me at facebook and told me that she can consider selling it with a cheap price considering my status as a I remember her words " akak dulu pon student  macam awak gak so faham financial macam mana" so I asked if she can sell it for Rm 100 cash on delivery..then alhamdulillah she agreed..and another thing she said was " semoga telekung itu dimanfaatkan dengan baik :)" insyaAllah kak..thank you so much..semoga Allah membalas kebaikan mu...

this is the actual picture of the model wearing it..dia pakai nmpk lawa n terletak je..mungkin kepala dia besar kot sebab aku punya siap kena alter lagi kasi kecik sikit tang kepala tu

Alamak dah melalut ke mana ntah cerita aku ni (suka hati lah blog aku kan) here's some raya pics..

dari depan: cousin ayu, me, mama, kakak and kaklong (ayu's sis)

clearer pic from my samsung yg tak ada android tu..atas tu mom's blackberry..ha tgk samsung cikai pon camera lagi lawa dari bb hohoho ..ayat pujuk diri sendiri

For our ziarah menziarahi activities, basically we almost covered houses for our second day of raya..biasanya on our first day lawat 2 3 rumah je..but bila dah cover banyak2 rumah ni bila masuk 2nd day tak berapa best sangatlah jadinya sebab banyak masa kosong..

our little second cousin siew lan or nama sebenar zara khadijah hehe

no specific theme..selalu gagal membuat tema color hari raya..

at rumah arwah tok angah

rakan sebayA!! geng lahir 87'

ini memang kes keletihan beraya

oh ini saya ye hihi..pakai baju kurung ayah sponsor..nasib ada sepasang kan dari takda..baju raya hari2 lain semua beli pakai duit sendiri

dan pulang semula ke kampung terchenta...

more posts coming up soon

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