Alis masih kat Sapporo University untuk present paper kat sana..dan aku sorang2 kat rumah dia agak mereput lah kan sambil layan apa yang tengah hit kat youtube..petang tu aku dah mereput tahap dewa maka aku decide untuk jalan2 sekitar perumahan alis..tengok rumah2 kat kawasan tu...dan inilah sebahagian yang aku dapat snap
ni sungai yang aku kira memang tak jumpa langsung satu sampah mahupun puntung rokok kat situ..boleh imagine kalau spring mesti lagi cantik |
random houses |
oh yeah my first dandelion for 2015..2014 jumpa gak hehe..tumbuhan meliar yang bila kita tiup yang putih2 tu akan terbang,,mainan masa kecik2 yang sangat dijakunkan |
Pada malamnya, alis janji untuk pulang ke muroran dan bawak aku jalan2..malangnya dia kata esok pagi dia baru balik..aku masa tu dah agak lapar lah dan masa tu just plan nak beli onigiri (macam nasi kepal ada inti) je kat 7e depan rumah dia...pastu alis kata suh contact satu lagi kawan dia yang tengah free yang sudi bawak aku gi jalan2..dan orangnya bernama khairi..pelajar tahun akhir jurusan kejuruteraan mekanikal di muroran institute of we texted and he picked me up at alis's house and went for sushi..
so i managed to eat only 3 plates of sushi which obviously sangatlah sedap..and I also ordered chawanmushi (sort of like hot egg pudding stuff with chunks of seafood) and with free hot green tea..khairi on the other way, despite living in japan for 5 years he cannot digest raw fish..aku ni memang peminat gila sushi hehe
Lepas makan-makan, I asked him untuk singgah kat 7e near the place we ate sebab nak beli onigiri untuk esok pagi dan other jajans...khairi was so nice for paying my jajans and also suruh aku try a few lagi snacks yang sedap such as 7e's cream puff , mochi and ice cream
yup these two ice creams memang sedap gilos sampai balik msia pon aku masih lagi ngigau nak cari lols
The next day khairi nak bawak pergi satu tempat macam bukit called danpara..situ kalau winter biasa orang akan ski..dan alis pon last minit kata nak join skali coz she felt guilty leaving me alone unhosted for the past two days hehe...
feeling2 drama hindustan lols..time ni pulak snow turun..but not as powdery as it used to be bak kata alis tapi snow macam ni pon dah buat aku excited gila |
alis here!! |
and yeah this is khairi..abang handsome muroran bak kata senpai tan sri haha |
selfies skali... |
dan lagi heee |
Bila selesai jalan2 area bukit ni...they brought me to donki which is macam supermarket barang murah like mydin untuk aku beli coklat nak bawak balik msia...thanks to them being my translator nak pilih which one I can eat or not...then after shopping, khairi said he has to do some work in campus so then me and alis went for lunch at a udon restaurant...
the queue was quite long but the workers were damn cekap gila kot buat kerja... |
my udon cost me only 550yen because I took 2 deep fried prawns.. tapi bodoh macam ni pon sedap gila kot..and again I noticed that mostly kedai makan kat sini tak kedekut pon bagi air green tea..the fact that green tea is a good pemecah lemak dan banyak anti-oxide.. |
after that we went to the beach for photos..pantai tak seberapa sangat lah..biasa je..amek gambar untuk cukup syarat je.. |
Pada malamnya, the boys (alis's junior) invited us for dinner where they cooked sambal sotong style bujang hehe...then we continued the night with card games and for my flight which is 9 a.m in the morning so I'd figured that I would follow aina and izzati's style where I stayed at the ofuro place..but luckily the boys said that I can take the morning train straightly to the airport and without spending my 5000yen for that ofuro..apa lagi terus la aku gi train station tukar balik tiket train yang sepatutnya pukul 9 malam tu... yang bagusnya, aku siap dapat duit baki lagi sebab tiket pagi lagi murah dari tiket malam..bagus gila kan...kalau kat msia jangan haraplah..pernah sekali aku beli tiket bus then 1 minit kemudian nak tukar pon tak dapat..terus kena beli tiket baru hmmm...
ambil gambar secara senyap2 hihi |
Then when the boys were watching "Jwanita" online, I was sleeping but again I can hear them screaming like a girl bila part hantu keluar hahaha..serius lawak gila tengok budak2 ni..reminds me of college once again...
Anwar (the one wearing glasses dalam pic) and khairi were also so nice to stayed up for me so they could wake me up and send me to the train station..alis pon join skali....seriously rasa macam tak cukup lah masa nak lepak ngan korang...adik2 ni sangatlah baik..khairi also sempat belikan aku coffee kat vending machine so that aku tak tertidur dalam train takut terlepas stop...
Setibanya dalam train..aku mula cari kat mana boleh duduk..semua penuh!! ada gerabak siap khas untuk orang tidur je..then nasib baik jumpa lah gak tempat duduk... Allah helped me a lot by giving me to sit beside a school boy who helped me by pointing which station should I stop because the stations and tickets semua dalam bahasa jepun oiii...then again..bila dah sampai..aku dapat jumpa lagi sorang budak college jepun yang lagi fasih cakap jepun kat situ..sebab aku tanya kat dia bila the next train akan muncul sebab kena tukar train..then dia kata ada lagi by the time being aku ngan budak college tu borak2 walaupun english dia ada gak word yang dia tak tangkap tapi atleast better lah dari kebanyakan kami jumpa hehe...
thank you to this kid which I also forgot his name btw hehe sorry |
flight delay lah pulak kan....ended up pusing2 area airport |
goodby've been nice to me....
Alhamdulillah aku sampai KLIA2 sekitar jam 6.30 dan aku terus ke TBS untuk beli tiket balik ke kuantan...tired journey but thats the beauty of travelling kan...finally I can finish blogging about my trip..hopefully it helps you guys and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions regarding the places I traveled or places I've worked (lately many people have been asking questions about my industrial training at RWNA 4 years back) heee..but aku ok je,,,tak beban pon tolong :)
Till next post......